AOC Feedbag Meme
LOL I’m pretty sure that AOC has seen her whole time in office as one giant feedbag. Pretty good gig for a broke bartender who couldn’t pay her rent. Share this funny AOC meme with all your friends!
LOL I’m pretty sure that AOC has seen her whole time in office as one giant feedbag. Pretty good gig for a broke bartender who couldn’t pay her rent. Share this funny AOC meme with all your friends!
No meme here, nothing funny to say. This is simply a photo of AOC with bare feet and almost an upskirt shot. Is this real or a really good fake? I’m not sure, but I know half the comments on the Twitter post were “would” and the other half were “wash your damn feet”. 🤣
LOL I’m betting she was one hell of a party girl back in the day. Who knows, maybe she still is. Either way, lets keep this not so flattering shot of AOC spreading her legs at a party bouncing around the internet.
To be fair, AOC brings a lot to the table. The problem is that it is mostly a whole lot of nothing that people want, followed by a gigantic bill. I would guess that as a waitress, AOC would listen to you order, then bring you what she thinks you should have, regardless of what […]
Funny AoC daylight savings meme, perfect for the brightest member of our government.
AoC telling one of the other representatives that the lap dance she just gave him wasn’t free. Well not really but it looks that way!
Silly AoC, just because you change the name, it doesn’t change what it is. ‘Public Goods’ is just another term for free stuff the taxpayers have to pay for.
Funny AOC blowjob meme about her getting Joe Biden to sign the New Green Deal with oral sex. Who does she think he is, Bill Clinton?
OK, I’ll admit, that this is less of a meme and just some more hilarity over AOC having a narcissistic sexually charged meltdown over getting caught playing in mask-free Florida while her state is supposed to be panicking about the Omicron variant. The photo that started it all was her and her boyfriend got caught […]