AOC fighting capitalism
Funny AoC meme about her fighting capitalism by only using lowercase letters.
Funny AoC meme about her fighting capitalism by only using lowercase letters.
Why can no one explain why if capitalism is so bad, so many people come here and not to socialist countries like Venezuela?
AOC lies about being threatened at the Capitol Hill protest and gets called out for it.
There is a whole lot of humor in a woman that professes to be a socialist and to want to tax the rich, then turn around and sell a $60 sweatshirt. That sounds like a tax on the stupid to me. What I really love is that people on Amazon and just about every other […]
If it was possible for an IQ test to come back negative, AoC would definitely be the one to pull it off. The dimmest bulb in the room, I am kind of scared that people let her mix drinks at one point in her life. While everyone is in quarantine she even has the brains […]
OK, so maybe not everyone remembers Jethro from the Beverly Hillbillies, but he was not known for being the brightest bulb in the world. AoC would have made a good wife for him. If you haven’t watched it, you should check it out. It really is a classic in the comedy world. Bevery Hillbillies on […]
AOC Meme – She doesn’t want you to use a rideshare because it hurts taxi drivers, but it is fine for her staff to do it.
Anyone remember when a sitting president got a blowjob in the oval office and there was actual physical evidence? Remember when his wife didn’t say squat about it? If you don’t, then it was Bill Clinton and Hillary didn’t utter a peep about being outraged over him getting a hummer from a staffer. Considering the […]
Recently Bernie Sanders announced that if he won the presidency that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would play “very, very important role” in his regime. I can’t imagine how that would work out. AOC would be like a bratty grandchild demanding what she wants while living with their early stages of dementia grandparent. I can just see her […]